'Billy' Eduard Albert Meier (BEAM)
The ‘true’ prophet Billy Meier in his books and in the Contact Reports with the extraterrestrial Plejaren has given much information about how we can care for ourselves and thus keep healthy. Billy is able to gain information from the planetary storage banks which contain knowledge from previous lives spanning 8.6 billion years & from the Plejaren who are about 30 million years nore evolved than we are.
Duty to Oneself:
“Whoever you are, human being who reads these lines: always care for the best health of your body and your psyche. Also do not thereby disregard the health of your consciousness, whereby you must constantly be concerned, however, that you do not mollycoddle your consciousness or psyche or the body. Whoever constantly challenges his/her body and his/her psyche and his/her consciousness, does good thereby and promotes the fulfillment of his/her duty to himself/herself and his/her own duty.”
It is a duty of the human to inform themselves of how to correctly care for their bodies so that they can sustain their life and maintain health, for while all life is striving towards the death and then again for the reincarnation and it is a fact that the health of the body will fade and death will come, each day alive is an opportunity to evolve our consciousness and cultivate the higher values of true love, peace, freedom, harmony and wisdom.

Duty to oneself and one’s own duties can be understood simply as the duties that each human being has in regard to himself/herself. This teaching encompasses an enormous scope when one takes into consideration the consciousness development and evolution, the good and positive values that are to be nurtured in one’s self, the caring for one’s physical and psychical well-being, as well as the bringing one’s life and self into alignment with the Creational-natural laws and recommendations, as examples. Essentially, it is our duty to work each day to take care of ourselves in every way and to develop harmony within ourselves so that we can create harmony in our relations and eventually in the world as a whole. One foundational way that one can practice his/her duty to one’s self and his/her own duty is to completely and throughly care for the physical body. When we take care of ourselves in the physical it creates an effect that ripples out into every area of the life. If we feel healthy and energized we have more drive to work hard and to fulfill our duties and tasks. Our diet can have significant effects on our mood and brain chemistry which can therefore affect our thoughts and feelings which can impact our own relationship with self and with others. When we take care of our health we set the tone of self-respect and self-love and, in turn, we learn to love and respect our fellow human beings and all life. In the fulfillment of the duty to one’s self and one’s own duty we treat ourselves as a true and dear friend, with respect, kindness, care and decency, just as we would treat another human being to whom we are showing our best side.
Physical wellness as a foundational aspect of duty to one’s self and one’s own duty does not need to be complicated. The recommendations from our Plejaren friends include eating a balanced diet of whole foods that are uncontaminated by chemicals and toxins, exercising and performing sufficient manual labor each day, drinking mainly pure spring or purified water as is required by the body and regulated by thirst, supplementing with vital nutrients that the body requires as the food on earth has become more and more devoid of nutrients due to mass production, as well as natural supplements that can be used to detox heavy metals and other harmful substances we are exposed to due to our current worldwide situation.
Optimization of Metabolism for Immune and Overall Health Contact Report 619; Ptaah
Date of Contact: 2nd April 2015
Date of Translation: 10th April 2019
Billy: Actually, the fundamental and decisive point or the ultimate point in the whole of the health of the human body – as in any other form of life – is metabolism, because if it functions properly, then the immune system is also in order and the body is less susceptible to diseases and suffering of all kinds. Can you say something about that for once, please?
Ptaah: 39. The immune system is the centre of health, and this depends on a well-functioning metabolism, through which every single cell of the body is supplied with everything it needs and which very quickly removes all useless substances and toxins from the body.
Ptaah goes on to explain about how to maintain a healthy metabolism, speaks to the importance of chewing food properly rather than “swallowing down” and gives nine instructions to follow that are easy to incorporate into daily life.
1.) The amino acid L-Tyrosine promotes mental performance, concentration, and conscious/mental/ emotional fitness. Healthy to be used in the short term, the natural stimulant has no side effects and can be used in times of high conscious and physical demands. L-Tyrosine is a superior alternative to psychotropic drugs which should never be administered to the body.
2.) Drink only pure spring water or filtered water, because only pure water enables the body to flush out all environmental toxins, metabolic toxins, residential toxins and various other every day pollutants. Coffee and tea also contain necessary water but should be used sparingly. The amount of water a person drinks each day depends on their diet and lifestyle. If one is eating a diet heavy in water-rich foods, less pure water needs to be consumed but a person eating the standard terrestrial diet of flours, baked goods, processed foods, meat, sausages, heavily seasoned food in general, sweets, etc. then drinking significantly more pure water is advisable.
Ptaah states in sentence 70: Since all the harmful substances absorbed from the environment and through food are one of the main causes of many malfunctions in the human organism and lead to many diseases, stimulating the metabolism to excrete and flush it out is one of the most important steps on the path to intensive health
3.) Eating smaller and more frequent meals and an overall calorie-reduced diet rather than lavish and large main meals can stimulate and regulate the metabolism in a sustainable manner. If too many calories are eaten at once then the body tends to store them as fat but also if too few calories are consumed then the body switches into hunger mode and stores carbohydrates as fat, so a balance of calorie intake and careful food selection is important.
Ptaah explains: 76. Therefore, the various small meals and snacks should understandably not consist of ready-made soups, roasted and salted nuts, sandwiches and sweets, etc., but of fresh berries, tropical fruits, unsweetened fruit bars, vegetables, pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds, salads, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds and fruit, as well as other foods rich in vital substances.
77. These foods are mainly alkaline and provide the body with an incredibly large amount of stimulating vital and mineral substances, which are very important for the metabolism.
4.) The metabolism can and must be stimulated by simple sporting activities. It is particularly important that, as a rule, slightly fewer calories are consumed than are needed for the actual immediate use. If sporting or working activity is carried out, the body burns calories and makes better use of the food consumed, which is why it is necessary to be physically active in one way or another every day.
5.) The metabolism can also be stimulated with soluble dietary fibers which bind large amounts of water and therefore swell in the gastrointestinal tract, ensuring a smooth digestion and also cleansing the intestines so that nothing can get stuck in them and no “cinders” can form. Psyllium seed shells/husks are an especially beneficial form of soluble fiber that should be taken daily upon rising on an empty stomach and again one hour before dinner, whereby one tablespoon each time is sufficient. One tablespoon of mineral earth (bentonite clay) can be added in the evening serving for an added cleansing benefit to the psyllium husk.
6.) The metabolism can be stimulated with natural, high-quality, organic, cold-pressed coconut oil which contains medium-chain triglycerides, simply called MCT and which are contained in nature in only very few oils. These fats are not absorbed by the body and are not stored as fat. MCTs lower cholesterol levels and supply the body with high-quality energy and promote the absorption of calcium and magnesium. [Organic, cold-pressed] coconut oil is an ideal choice for cooking because it is heat-stable and does not develop any harmful substances while other oils that are treated industrially cannot do this and thus strain the organism.
7.) A healthy diet consisting of natural foods and products is a necessity, also seeing to it that the foods eaten are balanced between acidic and alkaline. Acidosis can form in the body from eating too much acidic food, causing ailments and suffering in the body and resulting in a whole range of health complaints such as chronic bronchitis, diabetes, rheumatic diseases, gout, migraine, fatigue, osteoporosis, sleep disorders or even states of depression and moral dejection, etc.
Ptaah states: 106. If therapeutic measures against mild acidosis are necessary, they are usually very simple, and the person can carry them out without medical help.
107. The only thing you need to do is to make sure that you do not eat an excessive amount of alkaline and acid, but a balanced diet, and that you exercise sufficiently.
8.) Stress and worries must be avoided because they affect the nerves, morale and mood. Stress-related ailments and bad moods can be avoided by eating the right foods and the body can be supplied with certain useful food supplements that strengthen the nervous system. In addition, holistic measures are necessary to make people happy again and to counteract these diseases of civilization, which together with all sorts of physical-organic diseases, are based on the causes of toxic environmental influences and false lifestyles.
9.) The earth human is increasingly confronted with toxic metals and radioactivity, which burden and damage the immune system and vital organs. Because wide areas of Earth, the waters and the air as well as the direct environment of terrestrial humans are contaminated by all the poisonous substances it is no longer possible to completely avoid contact with them and it is important to make sure that as much food as possible is free from these toxins. This is possible only by purpose-built cultivation in one’s own gardens and fields where no artificial fertilizers and no toxins of any kinds are used. Even with organic or BIO foods it is not possible to ensure that no toxins were used.
Ptaah states: 134. If these nine rules for eating habits, food preparation and food production are observed and continuously implemented and integrated into everyday life, then after only a few days the first successes and recognizable effects in terms of successful metabolic regulation will become apparent.
Dr. Robert "Bob" C. Beck, D.Sc.
The Bob Beck Protocol
Bob Beck dedicated much of his life to developing self-health products to help people overcome sickness. In the 1990s, Bob Beck created three products that came to be known as the “Bob Beck Protocol,” or “The Beck Protocol.” His protocol quickly gained recognition as Bob explained how his protocol could help people suffering from serious health issues from AIDS to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and even malaria.
Dr. Bob Beck said it was important to understand that the body actually heals itself. Our immune systems are constantly working to protect and heal us at all times. We can aid the process of healing when we implement protocols, and/or change our diet or lifestyle choices.
The Bob Beck Protocol is considered the climax of Bob Beck’s life and career, and “his greatest gift to humankind.” The “Beck” protocol is simple and straightforward, yet it has been life-changing for many. Imagine, taking back your power and being in control of your own health and wellness. That is Bob Beck’s legacy.

There are 4 parts with this protocol, for which 3 devices are needed & they can be bought from SOTA.
Part 1 – Blood Electrification or Micropulsing
Using a micropulse device on the wrist, gentle (micro) electrical currents reach the bloodstream, which has been known to neutralize harmful pathogens, increase adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and recharge the blood. Bob Beck created a device that uses microcurrents to treat the blood and could be used by individuals in the comfort of their own home.
Part 2 – Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Fields (PEMF)
This part introduces Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Fields (PEMFs) to generate microcurrents of electricity for targeting specific areas of the body. Introducing gentle electrical currents is a way to disable harmful pathogens hiding in tissues and organs and other non-blood systems. PEMFs can be used independently and are known to help alleviate joint and muscle pain due to injury or chronic arthritis, and can aid in the healing process of bone fractures, soft tissue injuries and sports injuries.
Part 3 – Ionic Colloidal Silver
Silver has natural antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal properties and has been used in healthcare in various cultures for thousands of years. Silver can also help prevent and heal respiratory ailments, MRSA, and other infections. Taking ionic colloidal silver is the most popular way of adding silver into a personal healthcare program. Dr. Bob Beck pioneered the low voltage do-it-yourself method of making ionic colloidal silver easily at home. Dr. Beck designed his micropulsing blood device with a dual function, adding the ability to make your own ionic colloidal silver! The process Bob Beck used creates a solution by breaking down silver into minute particles (ions) that are suspended in water and are easily absorbed by the body.
Part 4 – Ozonating Water
Drinking water enriched with ozone helps to increase the oxygen level in the body as well as assisting the breakdown and removal of toxins from the body. Dr. Beck added this step of drinking Ozonated Water when people experienced discomfort as their body struggled to get rid of toxic byproducts from the natural healing process.
In drinking ozonated water, Beck completed his protocol for health; The Bob Beck Protocol.
Success with Micropulsing
In 2003, Bea Langhammer, a natural health practitioner was interviewed in Germany. Ms. Langhammer spoke specifically about a research project that focused on analyzing the blood of cancer patients and its response to blood electrification. This study was prompted by the work of Dr. Alfons Weber, who discovered that the majority of his cancer patients’ blood tests showed parasites inside blood cells, which he established were actually causing cancer. Bea Langhammer and Thomas Blasig teamed together and analyzed the blood of their clients over the course of several weeks observing the results of micropulsing on the parasites. What they discovered is that micropulsing increased white blood cell activity; red blood cells appeared stronger and healthier, and parasites were eliminated. Langhammer reported that blood electrification was a very useful tool in healing because it helped the body to heal itself. Langhammer added that it helps the body to get rid of the microbes by inactivating them and helping the immune system get rid of the parasites.
Dr. Bob Beck’s PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) Device
After seeing the success of micropulsing, Dr. Beck knew that pathogens could move around in the body, outside of blood systems treated by micropulsing, and hide in stealth in the body. In order to target these pathogens with microcurrents of electricity, Beck developed a specialized pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) unit. Beck’s method of creating PEMFs is unique because his device creates a very high Gauss output for deeper penetration into the body.
Bob knew that a pulsed magnetic field would create microcurrents of electricity in tissue, allowing users to treat many areas of the body including the lymph, colon, organs and more – neutralizing pathogens and enhancing cellular strength simultaneously.
Dr. Bob Beck combined the power of Micropulsing and PEMFs
Combining Micropulsing (blood) and magnetic pulsing (tissues) produced even better results. Bob understood that practically every cell in the human body relies on electricity – the nervous system, for example, uses electricity to communicate signals to various parts of the body and brain. Without it, we couldn’t think or move.
Micropulsing and PEMF devices work well in tandem by sending microcurrents of electricity throughout any part of the body. This helps regenerate and recharge the cells as well as disabling harmful pathogens.
Dr. Johanna Budwig
Johanna Budwig was born in Essen and at the age of 16 joined the Kaiserswerth Deaconess Institute. She studied pharmacy in Königsberg and Münster where she met her mentor Prof. Hans Kaufmann the founder of the German Institute for Fat Research. She worked under Kaufmann as a research assistant and completed her doctorate in 1939.
While working as a researcher at the German Federal Health Office she noted many cancer drugs being evaluated in the 1950s contained sulphydryl groups. Budwig believed sulphydryl compounds were important to cellular metabolism and cellular respiration. Budwig researched the theory that a low oxygen environment would develop in the absence of sulphydryl groups and/or fatty acid partners that would encourage the proliferation of cancerous cells. With Kaufmann she developed paper chromatography techniques to identify and quantify fatty acids. Budwig used these techniques to compare the fatty acid profiles of sick and healthy individuals. In 1950, Budwig and Kaufmann presented their findings at the International Fat Congress on “New approaches in fat analysis”. She argued that highly heated and chemically modified fats found primarily in margarine were dangerous to human health.
In 1951, Budwig was chief expert for pharmaceuticals and fats in the Federal Institute for Fat Research but resigned over controversy due to her critical statements about trans fatty acids.
BUDWIG GUIDE – Natural Cancer Therapies: Download the free e-book.

Dr. Budwig came to the conclusion that industrial processed fats were a strain on health and caused cardiovascular disease and cancer, whilst polyunsaturated fatty acids were protective. She argued that linseed oil which contains alpha-Linolenic acid, an essential omega-3 fatty acid and sulphur proteins in the form of low-fat quark or cottage cheese are a great importance in the diet. She became known for her "Budwig Creme", for which linseed oil, milk and low-fat quark are stirred together until no oil is left.
Dr. Budwig died in Freudenstadt in 2003 at the age of 94 as a result of a femoral neck fracture.
The Budwig Cream:
This is the essential part of her protocol.
What we do: I make our own yogurt & kefir using Calci Trim milk which has about 1/2 the protein of cottage cheese.
About 200 ml of yogurt/kefir is placed in a bowl, to which is added about 2.5 T flaxseed oil. This is then whisked for, say, 1/2 minute.
60 ml flaxseed is placed in a mini blender (herb, seed blender) & blended for about 20 s. This is added to thebowl, stirred in & then whisked.
You could have this mixture with fruit, or, as we do, with cereal.
Walter Last
Walter Last combined the training and work experience of Research Chemist Biochemist and Toxicologist with that of Practicing Nutritionist and Natural Therapist.
He was born and grew up in Germany and held positions in medical institutions at the Universities of Greifswald, Cologne and Munich, working in research and toxicological investigations.
He was Chief Forensic Chemist at Cologne and worked at Bio-Science Laboratories in Los Angeles.
In 1970 he settled in New Zealand and dissatisfied with drug-based medicine practiced as a Natural Therapist. He lived in Queensland since 1981 and investigated and experimented with a wide range of natural therapies to improve the effectiveness of natural medicine in treating serious and medically incurable diseases.
Walter Last was a regular contributor to “Nexus” magazine and his latest books were the “Heal Yourself” Series. His website is at:
At this website you will find a long list of links to articles about health.
The Borax Conspiracy: How the Arthritis Cure has been Stopped.

This article is very long. I suggest that you go to that article, copy it & paste it into a file. Read it. Like all of Walter's articles you will find an abundance of information.
My wife & I take borax daily as well as magnesium.
In the 1960's Rex Newnham, Ph.D., D.O., N.D, developed arthritis. At that time he was a soil and plant scientist in Perth, Western Australia. Conventional drugs did not help, so he looked for the cause into the chemistry of plants. He realized that plants in that area were rather mineral deficient. Knowing that boron aids calcium metabolism in plants he decided to try it. He started taking 30 mg of borax a day, and in three weeks all pain, swelling and stiffness had disappeared.
Use as Essential Mineral: Firstly dissolve a lightly rounded teaspoonful (5-6 grams) of borax in 1 litre of good quality water. This is your concentrated solution; keep it out of reach of small children.
Standard dose = 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of concentrate. This has 25 to 30 mg of borax and provides about 3 mg of boron. Take 1 dose per day mixed with drink or food. If that feels right then take a second dose with another meal. If there is no specific health problem or for maintenance you may continue indefinitely with 1 or 2 doses daily.
For boron to be fully effective in reversing tissue calcification ample magnesium is required. For elderly individuals I recommend 400 to 600 mg of magnesium together with the daily borax supplementation.
At Walter's website you will find other articles about arthritis.
Dr. T.C. McDaniel
Dr. T. C. McDaniel was a mere 56 years old when he was having severe cardiovascular problems. His heart was constantly skipping beats. He went to the best heart experts in the field, and they could not help him. He searched for answers and discovered the concept of zeta potential. It was a revelation. Blood, which is a suspension, begins to sludge “clot” unwantingly as Zeta Potential falls. Zeta Potential is the measured ratio of an-ions to non-ions and cations in the body’s circulatory terrain. Armed with this information, he compounded and took his own “anionic surfactant solution”. He drank more pure water, eliminated the bad cations from his diet, and his PVCs disappeared. He lived in wellness until 102 years of age.

Oliver Schacke
Oliver Schacke is the founder of the company 90.10 AG. The reason for the name is this:
All shareholders have agreed in writing to waive dividends and other profit sharing in favour of good causes. 90 percent of the profits are passed on to aid organisations and aid projects.
Oliver in his mid-twenties was looking for a purpose in life & realised that he wanted to encourage & help others rather than being sel-centered. He then went on a spiritual search which lasted several years which involved various religion & philosophies. He realised that energy is the remedy for everything..The higher the energy of the body, the stronger & more individual the frequency, Ultimately Oliver came to the conclusion that what he was searching for was the Creative power.
Quantum Med Bed: See my post –

The Dream:
There was the morning which changed everything., when he had a lucid dream.
In that dream Oliver became aware of codes & he saw himself writing down these codes. After awakening he wrote down the information which he saw in the dream, which took about 12 hours. These codes are the basis of today's 90.10 technology; they work with mathematical-geometrical formulae and symbols of the Sacred Geometry which originat from ancient mathematics and explains the cosmic energy flow in the universe.
A few months later the prototype of today's 90.10-CUBE was finished. There are 12 aluminium modules (slats) each of which is polarised. The CUBE has 6 modules at the top & 6 at the bottom. There is a "quantum energy field" within the cube. This energy can be 'burned' into objects which are placed within the cube.
90.10. AG in 2011 developed a method that can influence any matter at the quantum-physical level in such a way that it stores quantum energy and then emits it permanently. We call this energy quantum energy. In the 90.10. procedure, the 90.10.-CUBE is used to create an energy field that is strong enough to permanently charge matter with this energy.
On the one hand, the 90.10. quantum technology serves quantum physical product refinement in countless areas, such as the automotive industry, the food industry. On the other hand, the 90.10. method is used in medical research.
Through the 90.10. procedure, it is possible to create a mathematical geometric formula (based on sacred geometry) for generating a spiral energy stored in matter, which we call quantum energy. Meanwhile, this 90.10. technology has been released, so everyone can use the 90.10.-CUBE, a globally unique torus generator, for enriching or "burning" their own products with quantum energy.
The stated intention behind the 90.10 quantum technology is to help as many people as possible connect with their innate healing potential.
The Meditation Bed - MedBed:
Founder and developer of 90.10. MedBed Oliver Schacke is convinced that everyone can transform their own bed at home into a wellness oasis. This is possible through quantum energy, which supports the body in its self-healing.
The MedBed undergoes quantum entanlement with the 90.10-CUBE.
Quantum entanglement happens when pairs of groups of particles are generated in such a way that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the others - even when the particles are separated by a large distance.
The meditation bed, or MedBed, "beams" quantum healing energy and frequencies into the human body without time delay. The virtual bed works with quantum technology and is installed on your own bed at home. After the user has laid down on his bed, he can activate and control the MedBed through his own voice or thought. It works completely without any electricity.
This is a virtual bed that is programmed with various functions. The bed teleports a quantum field operating system sending energy and frequencies into the body. Simple to control, the user speaks or mentally commands the bed to scan, then helps to heal areas of need.
There is no artificial intelligence (AI) and it does not depend on electricity or other comparable energy types. There are also no side effects and is extremely safe to use. Also, the operating system is secure in a high-level quantum network and cannot be manipulated. Like the celestial chamber if the system detects any negative energies or intentions the system will not work.
The Virtual Cube
The VirtualCube processor introduces the use of Quantum Entanglement which produces an effect on the cellular level and has been scientifically proven. When used with the 90 10 medbed the virtual cube amplifies healing effects and ensures that 100% neutral and unaltered quantum energy is generated and focused on a single point. This neutral energy can be made available to our bodies, objects and nature.
The VirtualCube "is a quantum processor generating harmonizing quantum energy which creates a torus field around the cube. Only in its center or by teleporting quantum energy other matter can be permanently quantum-physically refined with energy and frequencies. The intensive increase in energy that takes place is referred to as quantum physical product refinement. The quantum physical product refinement can also be carried out over a longer distance by using the possibilities of 90.10. quantum entanglement."
Two different labs conducted tests on the 90 10 medbed and the 90.10. virtual cube can be found here (copy & paste):
BioMedres -
Applied Cell Biology -
The Power Capsule:
The 90.10.-POWERCAPSULE consists of a shell (the capsule) and five titanium spheres contained therein. Each individual sphere has an energy output of 170 QEPPs. In the multiplication effect, the five spheres have an energy output of 2.465 QEPPs. But they don't all have to work together; the power capsule lets you be very flexible in your application. How many spheres you use for yourself can depend on your personal needs and sensitivity. Sensitive people often feel how intense the energy stored in the titanium spheres is when they hold a sphere between the thumb and index finger of their left hand (the receiving hand, according to Chinese medicine).
The quantum energy stored in the titanium spheres is completely neutral, meaning it does not contain any special frequencies. You can wear the capsule on your body and either let the energy work purely on your organism or experiment and combine it with frequencies of your choice, e.g. of healing plants, food supplements, and homeopathic remedies. For this purpose, the frequencies are copied into aluminum foil by using a quantum stamp and afterwards put into the power capsule (see the video for instruction). Furthermore, it is possible to combine the energy of this capsule with all the important 90.10. frequencies.
The PowerCapsule does have a North and a South. When charged in a Cube, they are placed with the rounded end up and the key-chain end facing down. This makes the rounded end the North end and why you point it towards whatever you wish to charge. My mistake was I have been burning my home made capsules lying flat. That doesn’t negatively impact those capsules, but it means they won’t work as well to charge other objects.
90.10.-CUBE – The Source of Energy
The 90.10.-CUBE 2.0 is a quantum energetic torus generator that creates an energy field between its positive and negative pole, which is renewing itself constantly. All kinds of objects can be enriched with energy in this energy field.
Due to its torus field, which is about the size of a single-family house, it also has the property of a room harmonizer.
The positive pole of the cube is at the top, the negative pole is at the bottom. An energy field establishes between the poles; its energy flows from minus to plus, from bottom to top.
For the energy flow it is only important that the positive poles always point upward. That is the case when the plus sides of the lower modules are pointing to the minus sides of the upper modules.
The original 90.10.-CUBE is made of aluminum modules. Therefore, the quantum energy coming from it is absolutely neutral and natural. Beside this original there is the great I AM CUBE, whose modules are gold-plated. Its energy output is the same, but its energy is not neutral. Because of the gold plating it is enriched with the frequency of gold. This causes an intensification of the effects.
Placed in the middle of the house, the 90.10.-CUBE can form a far-reaching, anti-electro smog torus. In addition, it is possible to place a smartphone, tablet or another electromagnetic wave causing device in the energy field of the cube. According to many, even very sensitive users, the perception of negative effects of electromagnetic waves can be neutralized this way.
90.10 Cards:
A card consists of thin aluminum. Its surface is sealed with colorless anodic oxide. The aluminum protects against electromagnetic interference effects.
A Card contains quantum energy & several frequencies. The energy of the card is strong enough to positively influence the body and transport the frequency into the cells. To do this, simply carry the card in your pocket or place it on the glass of water you are drinking from.
Various cards are available.
Professor Louis C. Kervran
Kervran (1901-1983), a medical scientist and engineer with a high official position in the French research and occupational health community, had a life-long interest in the possibility of biological transmutations. His curiosity apparently began in his youth when he watched the hens pecking at specks of mica in the farmyard.
Kervran’s thesis is that the transmutation of elements, in particular by reactions among the first few dozen of the periodic table, occurs regularly in biological systems—both in microbes and in multicellular organisms such as human beings. Transmutation is inherent to biology. He concluded that hydrogen and oxygen nuclei primarily, by adding or subtracting from other nuclei, is the essence of transmutation in biology.
From the writings of Billy Meier we know that Creation-energy flows into organisms due to the presence of the spirit. Also from the works of Oliver Schacke, quantum energy can be harnessed & used to enhance living things.

Childhood Observations on Chickens:
"My parents had a few chickens which they kept in a chicken coop adjoining a yard. We lived in Brittany, France, where my father worked as a government official. The area was full of slate rock and granite, but absolutely devoid of limestone. Limestone was never given to the chickens, yet every day during the egg-laying season they laid eggs with calcareous shells. At that time I had not asked myself from where that limestone came, but I was intrigued to observe that when the chickens were let loose in the yard, they scratched about incessantly for fragments of mica strewn on the ground. (Mica is is one of the components of granite, along with quartz and felspar; all are components of silica. This is all i knew then when I was in elementary school.) I noticed this neat choice that had been made by the chickens, when the sun shined after a rain: well washed off, these hundreds of visible fragments looked like tiny mirrors. The imprints of the chickens' beaks were easy to follow.
No one could explain to me why chickens scratched mica and not sand. Whenever a chicken was killed I observed my mother opening the gizzard and finding small grains of sand, but never mica. Where did this mica go? Into the stomach? Why was this mineral swallowed by the chicken? This problem intrigued me and remained in my subconscious like anything mysterious, because I rather liked to have "solid and logical' explanations ... the whys of all children."
When Kervran was an adult he thought about the observations that he had made on chickens as a child. Kervran knew that the ground in Brittany contained no calcium; however, every day a hen would lay a perfectly normal egg, with a perfectly normal shell containing calcium. The hens do eagerly peck mica from the soil, and mica contains potassium - a single step below calcium in the standard table of elements. It appears that the hens may transmute some of the potassium to calcium.
Further, if one tests this assumption, it is quickly shown to be true. Hens denied calcium but not potassium, stay perfectly healthy and lay perfectly normal eggs. Hens denied both potassium and calcium will be sickly and lay only soft-shelled eggs. If these sick chickens are allowed to peck only mica - which they will frantically do - everything returns to normal again.
David LaPoint
David LaPoint created the primer magnetic bowl as the result of a vision which he had. He was trying to create a way to control a plasma beam & funnel it using a cylindrical array of magnets. He had a calf muscle which was cramped – painful & distorted. On the second day he put his magnetic array against his calf muscle & instantly it went back to normal. This amazed him, so he started making these & helping his friends who were in pain.
He thought that this had the potential of a healing device. He was so excited he told the FDA, who shut his company down & everything was confiscated. He escaped to Oxford in the UK, where he created & patented the “flower of life” – the magnetic bowl. In 2019 he unpatented the bowl so that everyone could have access to this technology.

The Primer Field:
Dubbed the Primer Field, this revolutionary new idea has been tested extensively using special shaped magnets and plasma. A test chamber put under vacuum and then filled with different gas types to create specific light effects. Magnets in the shape of bowls that have a hole in the bottom are suspended in the chamber via thin filaments. A whip-like electrode inside the chamber is used to create plasma in the gas. The most important part of this setup is the Bowl shaped magnets.

When placing a negative and positive bowl near near each other in the chamber, a very peculiar effect happens with the plasma. Most of the plasma in the chamber collects in the space between the bowls. It rotates at a high rate of speed and streamers of plasma are ejected from the holes in the bottom of the bowl shaped magnets.
The theory is that every component of matter has a double toroidial (bowl) shaped magnetic field that radiates from it’s core. Even the structures of the universe resemble this pattern. These videos demonstrate the effect and theory very well. If this were proven to be fact, large portions of our physics platform would have to be restructured...
The Torus. The torus is the oldest structure in existence and without it nothing could exist. The toroidal shape is similar to a donut but rather than having an empty central 'hole', the topology of a torus folds in upon itself and all points along its surface converge together into a zero~dimensional point at the center called the Vertex.
It has even been suggested that the torus can be used to define the workings of consciousness itself. In other words... consciousness has a geometry! The geometric shape used to describe the self~reflexive nature of consciousness is the torus. The torus allows a vortex of energy to form which bends back along itself and re~enters itself. It 'inside-outs', continuously flowing back into itself. Thus the energy of a torus is continually refreshing itself, continually influencing itself.
Electrical engineers are very familiar with toriods as frequency converters. One frequency goes in one end and a different one comes out the other side.
When the torus is in balance and the energy is flowing we are in a perfect state to clear ourselves of anything that is ‘not self’.
Dr. Andreas Kalcker
Biophysicist Andreas Kalcker has devoted considerable effort to delving into the intricate electromolecular mechanisms underlying the efficacy of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) as a medical intervention, specifically with regard to his own successful treatment of arthritis. Subsequently, he has been diligently pursuing further progress in this field.
Dr. Kalcker has developed a 100% effective cure for COVID-19 and all its variations. He has been researching chlorine dioxide for over 13 years.
Based on his research in Switzerland, he has diligently filed and successfully obtained several patents for therapeutic applications targeting hypoxia, inflammation, infection, sepsis and the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.
In 2016 he published a highly acclaimed book entitled “Health Forbidden – Incurable Was Yesterday”, which is still considered a bestseller today.

Chlorine Dioxide Solution – CDS:
The American Society of Analytical Chemists stated in 1999 that chlorine dioxide was the most powerful pathogen killer known to man. In 1988, NASA declared chlorine dioxide ‘A Universal Antidote,’ saying it was “able to destroy mold and fungus, as well as bacteria and viruses, with minimal harm to humans, animals, or plants.”
Chlorine dioxide (ClO2) is widely used in water treatment because it is an effective oxidant, biocide, and disinfectant at relatively low concentrations. It also has minimal reactivity with organic matter, and minimal byproducts are formed during treatment.
Chlorine dioxide can kill bacteria, viruses, and other microbes in water that will help prevent the spread of waterborne diseases without hydrolyzing. Chlorine dioxide will stay as a dissolved gas in a solution, is around ten times more soluble than chlorine, and can be removed by aeration. This potency and safety make it an appealing option for water treatment use. Campers use it to purify water, and dentists love and use it legally to deal with problems in the mouth.
Chlorine dioxide is “hungry” to find any object with electrons to give up. That is its magic. Upon coming near any virus or pathogen, it snaps into contact with the germ, ripping four or five electrons from the wall of the pathogen by way of magnetic force. The internal parts of the pathogen fall apart unprotected by their normally resistant outer shell.
One molecule of CDS will pull off 5 electrons from the outer orbit of pathogenic organisms, while hydrogen peroxide will only pull off 1 electron. Therefore, CDS water has 5 times the oxidative, pathogen killing power of hydrogen peroxide.
Despite its greater pathogen killing power, CDS water has a lower oxidative potential (voltage) than the human cell, while hydrogen peroxide has a slightly higher oxidative potential than the human cell. That means that CDS water will not react in any way with any cellular tissue of the body, while hydrogen peroxide reactions will result in foaming, and some temporary swelling and whitening of infected gums for example, when left in the mouth.
There is never any foaming, swelling, or whitening of gum tissue when using CDS water because of its lower oxidative potential.
Chlorine dioxide is highly selective for pathogens that cause diseases in the body, and does not kill the various useful flora of the stomach and intestines. This is due to the unique properties of the chlorine dioxide molecule.
Making Chlorine Dioxide Solution:
Go to the post on my blog to find out how to make CDS.