Steph’s Cave Notes

For 90.10 Community. With thanks to Steph.
*I don’t know why it jumps from Lesson 9 to Lesson 21.

My Experince:
Create a file.
Enter one of Oliver’s codes for comparison.
Start writing your own code, while looking back at Oliver’s.
Make sure that spaces & full stops go in the right place.
Check brackets: round (, curly {.

Check that brackets are closed: ), } – probably })
I don’t think that capitals matter, but use them just the same – Frequency
I don’t think that bold type matters – Frequency
How much energy – see what Oliver uses?
Does it work – a question we all ask!

I have a 90.10 folder with sub folders, including:


Lesson 1 – Basics of the 9010Code
In this lesson you will learn how to create your own 9010Code. I will break down the way 9010Codes have been built up so that you get a thorough understanding of the way of writing we use in coding.

You Object Target Coordinates
Because you are the consciousness creating this 9010Code.
It is you who has the intention of creating this burning process in the Virtual Cube.
You are creating an order for the Cube.
Your intention that comes from your consciousness.
So that is what you tell the Virtual Cube first: who this order comes from.

The object, material or substance that is visible on the image
An object always has to be clearly visible on the image. If not, no energy will be burnt into it.

Target Coordinates
The orders for the Cube. What does it have to do with the image you put in?
The third part is still called the ‘target coordinates’, like it was with the 3D Cube. And we will dive deeply into this in the coming weeks.

Every part of the 9010Code is always in between brackets: ()
Between the brackets is no space. So you get this: ()()()
With text it looks like this: 
(You)(Object)(Target coordinates that are the Orders for the Cube)
As you can see already, the text in between the brackets is written in the normal way with spaces (you remember how the target coordinates were always being written without spaces).

Target Coordinates
Let’s talk about how to give the Cube orders. We call these target coordinates, as we always used to.
Inside the target coordinates, we work with functions. Before we end up with too many terms, let me break this down for you:

Target coordinates
Function A
Function B
Function C

So the target coordinates are made up out of functions. Easy peasy. Now let’s go through the functions in the next lesson, so that you will really start to get the hang of this all.

Before we move on: Filenames
When you create a 9010Code, always put the word “9010Code” in the filename.
The 9010Code will probably not work otherwise.
For yourself it is useful to add the date of creation. This way you always know which version you have in your Virtual Cube. Later on you will come to see why that matters.
In 9010Codes for folders we often use an underscore in front of the name (_). This is simply so that if you have dozens of images, the 9010Codes will still show up on top of the list. This way you don’t have to search for your 9010Codes if you want to adjust them.

Lesson 2 – Working with Functions
Basics of Coding | EN – Module 1
In this lesson you will learn all about working with the Function Energy. We will explain in detail how to add energy.

The first Function we use in a 9010Code is ‘Energy’
This Function always comes first in the third brackets. 
If you put an image in the Virtual Cube, no energy is added. The basic output is 0 QEPPs, as where before – with the 3D Cube – it used to be 450 QEPPs. 
Now it is you who decides how much energy is given to the object!
To add energy to an object, you write in the 9010Code: +Energy
Then we need to add a value, for example 500 QEPPs. You write +Energy 500 QEPPs

In your 9010Code it will look like this:
(Firstname Lastname)(Object)(+Energy 500 QEPPs)

Pay attention to the captions in QEPPs, the spaces after the function “+Energy” and how all brackets are written without spaces. There is never a space after or before a bracket.


Your 9010Code will only work if you write it correctly.
So now you already know how to add quantum energy to your belongings.

Free Energy
Of course, you are free in the amount of QEPPs that you chose. Know that it is not just a number you write, the energy is seriously powerful. Take responsibility for yourself and any other living being you might influence by the energy. To start with, don’t use more than 1.000 QEPPs in each 9010Code. Of course this depends on your experience with the 90.10. Quantum Energy, see this as a general advise. More about the amount of QEPPs will come in a later teaching.

Lesson 3 – Working with Energy
Basics of Coding | EN – Module 1
While the use of the Function Energy may at first not seem that difficult, a responsible and effective use of QEPPs requires a deeper understanding.

Energy always feels different

The amount of QEPPs you chose

You might wonder why we put in 10.000 QEPPs in our food or in the 9010Code for healing, but why I advise to use no more than a 1.000 in object in general.

The reason is: the effect of energy is always different. Much depends on the use of that what you have energized.

Some examples to clarify this:

A stone that I keep in my pocket, with 1.000 QEPPs, is nice. It will not quickly be too intense for most people, even though a stone is massive material and thus the effect is stronger than from an object with a similar size that has less mass.

On the other hand clothes, which are far from massive, burnt with the same amount of QEPPs, might prove to give a stronger effect than the massive stone. Simply because they envelop your whole body. You are covered in QE so to say, opposed to the stone in the pocket.

In the 9010Code for healing, the QEPPs are being burnt ONLY in the atoms of the wound. Not in the whole body. 

Consuming food burnt with 10.000 QEPPs, feels different from walking on shoes burnt with 10.000 QEPPs all day long.

The same goes for the amount of objects you have burnt. If you burn only one object in your house with 1.000 QEPPs, you will not notice a lot during the day. Have you burnt all and every object you could find, you’ll likely want to rush out of the house before the day has passed .

I always like to imagine burnt objects like candles:

Imagine you are in a dark room and you lit one tea light. That will be amazing, now it’s not so dark anymore. However, you still can’t find your way around the room. Now imagine you lit a 100 tea lights. 

What a blaze of light that will give!

AKA: the more you are surrounded by QE, the stronger the effects.

 This also goes for time: the longer you are surrounded by QE / the longer you are in touch with QE, the deeper its effect goes. This is not just on a physical level. Also on a mental, emotional level and, to be more precise: it effects you on all levels of existence. Enjoy the ride!

Some guidelines to go by:

Objects closer to you have a stronger effect on you.

Bigger objects have a stronger effect.

More massive objects have a stronger effect.

Objects that enclose you have a stronger effect.
It’s not a match

You are no less if 100 QEPPs is enough for you. You are no better if you can handle 100.000 QEPPs.

It matters not. We don’t have to achieve anything. 

We use the 90.10. Quantum Energy because we want to make our lives better. We want our homes to be a healthy place to live. We want to walk in a bubble of healthy energies when we go out. 

Everyone is different. Every being is different. Search for the amount of QEPPs that make you feel relaxed and happy. That’s the goal.

Lesson 4 – Working with Functions

In this lesson you will learn all about working with the Function Frequency. We will explain in detail how to add frequencies.

The second Function we use in a 9010Code is ‘Frequency’

What frequencies do you wish to add to the object, material or substance that you are refining with quantum energy? You can choose any frequency provided by 90.10. and any frequency you can come up with. Your imagination is the limit.

You can add a frequency to the object you wish to burn with quantum energy by writing: +Frequency WAT9010E

In your 9010Code it will look like this:

(Firstname Lastname)(Object)(+Frequency WAT9010E)

Let’s say we are burning a jar in which we store food. Most likely we would also add the Vitamin Frequency. 

That will make your 9010Code look like this:

(Firstname Lastname)(Object)(+Energy 500 QEPPs +Frequency WAT9010E +Frequency VIT9010A)

Again, be mindful of the captions, the spaces and the lack of spaces

Lesson 5
Deleting energy and frequencies

Lesson 5 – Working with Functions

In this lesson you will learn how to effectively delete energy and frequencies from an object.

Taking out energy and frequencies
Where a burning process with the 3D Cube was forever, with the Virtual Cube that is no longer the case. Any amount of QEPPs and any frequency you have burnt into an object, you can remove again.

This is how to do it:

Change the + into a –

To take out energy, you write: -Energy

To take out a frequency, you write: -Frequency

In your 9010Code it looks like this:

(Firstname Lastname)(Object)(-Energy all QEPPs -Frequency the frequency you want to delete from the object)

If you want to delete more than one frequency from an object, then repeat writing “-Frequency xyz”

Be aware that you can NEVER delete all frequencies. An object wil ALWAYS contain its own, original frequencies.

For example, you cannot delete the apple from the apple. You can however delete chemicals from the apple.

Another way to delete energy and frequencies
Of course, you can always put an image in the folder “DeleteFunction” in the Virtual Cube and then all QEPPs and frequencies will be deleted from the object addressed in the second part of the 9010Code (Object).

Lesson 6
Be mindful with the use of frequencies

Lesson 6 – Frequency Focus

In this lesson you will discover more about the use of frequencies. How many frequencies should you use to achieve the best effects?

How many frequencies should you use in a 9010Code?
In theory, the amount of frequencies you can use is unlimited. Yet bear in mind that less frequencies have a stronger effect each. If I put in just one frequency, all QEPPs radiate that one frequency. If I put in a 100, that same amount of QEPPs is “dividing its attention” among 100 frequencies. It is not literally dividing, but this will give you a good idea. You can also compare it with a flash light or a lamp that shines in all directions. Both can give good lighting, but the more focused you are, the intenser the effect. Of course you do not need to stick to one frequency. Personally I stick with one to ten frequencies in one burning process.

Experiment with it. Take an object, put dozens of frequencies in, sense how it feels. Then take a similar object, put in a few frequencies, sense how it feels. Working with the Virtual Cube is all about making your own experiences. As known, it is by experience that we truly learn.

Frequencies in the mix

To prevent frequencies from mixing up, you can use the Clearance Frequency. More on this in a later teaching.

Lesson 7
How to start your 9010Code

Lesson 7 – Start with deleting

In this lesson you will discover why you should always start with deleting energy and frequencies in an object.

Always start a 9010Code with deleting energy and frequencies

About deleting energy
The best way to make sure that only those frequencies and the amount of QEPPs that you have put in the 9010Code, are in the object, is by deleting all QEPPs and frequencies right at the start. This way you know you always start with a ‘clean sheet’.

In the 9010Code for food you have already seen that we have a very cool way to do this.

Here it is explained in detail. First we delete energy:

To delete 90.10. Quantum Energy from an object, we use the function “-Energy”. Since we want to be sure we have zero QEPPs in the object, we say “-Energy all QEPPs”. Again, be mindful of the spaces and captions.

You cannot delete any other energy than the 90.10. Quantum Energy.

If you would say “-Energy all energies”, nothing will happen. So be precise.

About deleting frequencies
Next we delete frequencies. To do this, we use the function “-Frequency”.

You have already seen how to delete one or more frequencies. But here comes the cool part: we found a way to effectively delete all frequencies from an object that can be deleted, even if we don’t know which frequencies it contains.

We do this by using the following sentence: “all frequencies an object does not contain in its original state”.

This way we are sure we have no other frequencies than the object’s own, original frequencies.

In your 9010Code it looks like this:

(-Frequency all frequencies the object does not contain in its original state)

Naturally, ‘object’ is always replaced with the name of the object. So if it is a cup, than you say “-Frequency all frequencies the cup does not contain in its original state”.

Now the start of your 9010Code looks like this:

(Firstname Lastname)(Object)(-Energy all QEPPs -Frequency all frequencies the object does not contain in its original state)

Writing “-Frequency all frequencies” is not nearly as effective, for it is not specific enough. You give the V-Cube an order that in essence can’t be executed.

Lesson 8
Deleting and adding energy and frequencies

Lesson 8 – Adding & Deleting

In this lesson you will learn how to delete and add energy and frequencies within the same 9010Code.

No need for two 9010Codes
In this lesson you will learn how to delete and add energy and frequencies in one 9010Code.

Of course you can make two 9010Codes; one to delete energy and frequencies from the object of your choice and one to add them to the object.

Fortunately, we found a way to do all of that in just one 9010Code.

The advantage of deleting and adding energy and frequencies in one 9010Code, is that after burning, there is no chance that anything but what you have burnt into the object, gets in. So you always have exactly that amount of QEPPs and those frequencies that you want in your object.

Quantum Language
The way of writing of 9010Codes is called ‘Quantum Language’. And it is much like programming language really.

To delete all energy and frequencies, you write:

(-Energy all QEPPs -Frequency all frequencies the object does not contain in its original state)

Next we add energy and frequencies. However, if we were to write that behind the word ‘state’, we would create a loop. We would contineously delete all, so we could never put anything in again. Therefore, within a 9010Code, we work with levels you could say. We have the main level which contains the command (-Energy -Frequency) and then we create a sublevel which contains the energy and frequencies we wish to add.

In your 9010Code it looks like this:

(Firstname Lastname)(Object)(-Energy all QEPPs -Frequency all frequencies the object does not contain in its original state {+If all QEPPs and all frequencies the object does not contain in its original state have been deleted +Then burn into the object +Energy 1.000 QEPPs +Frequency I Am Love +Frequency I Am Light})

Here you already have seen a part of the If/Then-function. In a next module you will learn a lot more about this amazing function and how to create awesome burning processes with it!

First up are the go’s and no-go’s in working with the Virtual Cube…

Lesson 9
Rules of the 90.10. Virtual Cube

Lesson 9 – Rules

In this lesson we will focus on the rules in working with your 90.10. Virtual Cube.

Rules: why and which
Some rules have been created for the use of the 90.10. Virtual Cube. This has been done for multiple reasons which I will break down for you in this teaching. So read it attentively from beginning to end!

Now don’t fall over the word ‘rules’. Some are in fact a great add-on to the use of the V-Cube. It even expands the possibilities which are already sooo much more than those the 3D Cube offered. Make sure you get to know all about the V-Cube and become an expert in working with it. The farther we get in the teachings, the more you will discover how much is possible already that you may not have thought of yet!

Basic Rule
There is basically one rule: use the V-Cube for your personal belongings.

This rule has been created to ensure everyone’s free will. Don’t think of this too lightly, we will dive deeply into free will in this module 3.

Exceptions to the rule
Healing should always be freely offered. We cannot heal someone else, but we can offer them the opportunity to heal themselves with the help of our 90.10. Virtual Cube.

So you are always allowed to put an image of (a body part of) someone else in your V-Cube. The best way to do this, is by making use of the Healing folder with the 9010Code provided in the downloads.

Of course, you can also offer healing to animals. If they are owned, conscious consent of the owner is needed (see module 3: do’s & don’t’s).

Belongings of friends and family
You are allowed to put all and every belonging of friends and family in the V-Cube. The energy will last for either 24 hours or onetime use. In case of the latter, you can think of garments.

After those 24 hours, you can put it again in the V-Cube, for another round of 24 hours.

And there is more! You can burn up to 3 items for your friend (or family member of course) that will be burnt indefinitely. Check out lesson 16a for a cool way to do this and empower your friends at the same time ?

Belongings of someone else, that you temporarily use
For instance, a seat at a restaurant.

You can put these in the V-Cube. The energy will last for, I believe, one-time use. Or, depending on the use, 24 hours. Of course you can also put the seat in the V-Cube for the restaurant owner. In that case, the energy will last for 24 hours, see ‘Belongings friends & family’.

Lesson 21
ProtectionShield Function
Lesson 21 – ProtectionShield

In this lesson you will discover what this function protects and how and when you can use it.

Working with the ProtectionShield Function
This is a truly amazing feature that makes our quantum-filled lives a lot easier .

When an object has been burnt with quantum energy, it radiates that energy. The radius depends on the amount of QEPPs. The 90.10. Cube Original has an output of 450 QEPPs and a corresponding radius of approximately 36 meters. So for a 1.000 QEPPs that would come down to a little short of a hundred meters! It is a bit less, but I always stick with 1.000 QEPPs = 100 meters, because that’s easy calculating. You can do your own more precise calculations of course.

Not only the radius increases, a higher amount of QEPPs also gives a stronger energy output. Not only do we not want to bath continuously in the energy fields of dozens of objects, we neither want to radiate all of our energies and frequencies to everyone around. So that is where the ProtectionShield Function comes in nicely:

ProtectionShield is the function that adds a shield around the energy field of the object and thus limits the size of the torusfield it gets after the burning process.

When you add no value, the size is limited to the physical size of the object.

You can add any value you like. Round digits (so 1 and not 1.1 or something) are best. Use Meter, Centimeter, Millimeter, Decimeter, Kilometer.

Protection Shield is used only if you yourself have put a shield on the object beforehand. There is never automatically a shield burnt into an object.

Burn an object with an amount of QEPPs you can sense. Add a ProtectionShield of 1 meter. Place the object in the middle of an open space, with no other burnt objects nearby.

Now go to and fro and determine where the ProtectionShield starts.

Then change the size to 2 meter and sense again.

Finally try out a ProtectionShield without a custom value and see if you can sense whether the object has been burnt or not ;-).