Thyroid Diseases

824th Contact: Thursday, 16th October 2022, 9:49 hrs

But now I have something else to ask you about the thyroid gland. As a doctor, I’m sure you can tell me a lot about it, about the thyroid condition called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or something like that. What is there to look out for, or what can be done about it? Or what can provide relief?

Hashimoto is called differently in our country, but I know what it is. However, the way this disease appears on Earth, I don’t know of any cure that could stop this thyroid degeneration. It is an autoimmune disease, but it is caused by a ‘form close to life’ which ostensibly affects the thyroid gland. This, however, has apparently not yet been recognised by earthly science, namely that the immune system in this way contains a ‘form close to life’ which is able to develop something which manifests itself as an autoimmune susceptibility and is thus able to allow pathogens access to the organism, whereby the human being can then fall ill.

Exactly – pride comes before a fall, and also in this respect, by which I mean that certain scientists and doctors are not as omniscient as they often pretend to be. But can you explain what is to be said about Hashimoto?

It is necessary for me to explain a few things in detail, because the causes of thyroid diseases can be very diverse, whereby stress hormones, for example, have just as damaging an effect as damage to the mitochondria and nutrition, etc. Allergies and also excessive production of homocysteine are also involved in the development of Hashimoto’s disease. Another factor is a lack of micronutrients, as well as oxidative stress, which also leads to disturbances of the intestinal flora and the resulting permanent inflammation, which is usually subliminal and even caused by inappropriate medicines that are supposed to be effective against thyroid diseases. These contribute to the development of Hashimoto’s disease because the immune system is constantly overstimulated, which weakens it more and more the longer it takes, which in turn can cause the intestinal inflammations to spread and also damage certain vital organs. These, however, are then incorrectly removed surgically because they are considered unimportant for the organism, which has a very detrimental effect on the thyroid glands and disturbs their function in such a way that Hashimoto can develop very quickly. The earthly scientists of medicine etc. do not yet know that certain organs of the human organism are vital and health-preserving, but they remove them surgically and believe that they are not important for the healthy preservation of the organism, which, on the contrary, they effectively are.

It is also to be said that in the case of thyroid diseases, the micronutrients are very poorly absorbed, but these are very vital, which is why especially human beings should take them separately who eat food that does not contain gluten, because even the smallest amounts [of gluten] can cause severe intestinal inflammation, as well as anaemia, flatulence or osteoporosis, etc., as well as other consequences. Human beings who suffer from coeliac disease, i.e. gluten intolerance, and consequently eat gluten-free foods, thereby avoid symptoms such as diarrhoea, depression, abdominal pain, nausea and symptoms of any illnesses, although it must be said that every coeliac disease is different. A gluten-free diet reduces the supply of very important vitamins and minerals to the body, which inevitably increases unhealthy fats and sugars. Human beings should therefore not simply give up gluten, but only if this is necessary for their health. Gluten-free human beings usually eat foods that contain a lot of sugar and are very high in fat and salt. Over time, this has significant negative effects on the cardiovascular system and can cause diabetes, because gluten-free diets provide far less fibre and roughage, just as the body does not absorb enough vitamins, zinc and iron, which is why these should be supplied separately. The most common deficiencies of very important micronutrients in gluten-free food are iron, calcium, magnesium and vitamins D and E, such as those of the B group. These deficiencies increase the risks of diseases such as anaemia, diabetes and osteoporosis, etc. Consequently, it is vital that the missing minerals, resp. the vital micronutrients and vitamins are supplied to the organism. However, if this does not happen to a sufficient extent, the thyroid gland begins to suffer, namely by becoming chronically inflamed and no longer producing enough hormones. This causes sweating fits, heart palpitations and diarrhoea, as well as weight loss, blood pressure problems, anxiety, muscle tremors, restlessness, hand tremors, nervousness, hunger and insomnia, and so on. But over time, the heart itself is also attacked, as well as the liver, the vessels and the kidneys, and so on. Eventually, the brain is also attacked and begins to atrophy and shrink to such an extent that speech is also affected, etc. In Hashimoto’s disease, this also means that the mental state begins to suffer, morale drops and, in the worst case, all reason is carelessly disregarded and refuge is sought in suicide.

In the case of thyroid disease, it is also very important to avoid consuming too much meat from factory farms, because in the usual factory farming, the feed is heavily contaminated with iodised salt, which is absorbed by the animal organism and deposited in the meat. However, iodine in larger quantities is very unhealthy and harmful to the health of human beings, even though they need it and goitre formation can be prevented by it, so what you have often said applies here too: Too much is unhealthy. And with this I have actually said all that was necessary to explain in brief.

A generally unhealthy diet requires the separate supply of sufficient necessary micronutrients and vitamins, whereby this is particularly necessary in Earth-humans who eat gluten-free food. What I will now add is the following:
Regarding foods, the following is helpful:
Dark chocolate and cocoa = is important in Hashimoto’s episodes because it can relieve.
Salmon, fish in general, mushrooms, Brazil nuts, asparagus, little lean meat, fennel, lemon balm and thyme = also tea, pseudo cereals such as buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth, millet, protein structures (allergens).
1-2 portions of fruit a day, but ideally low-sugar fruit varieties, for example berries, bananas, pineapple, mango, grapes, lemon water.
Vegetables – prepared with high-quality oils, such as high-quality algae oil, linseed or hemp oil, pulses, milk, eggs, nuts, seeds of plants, sweet potatoes.
Selenium, very important
Cinnamon, ginger, pepper or turmeric, protein, iron,
Omega-3 fatty acids; minerals,
Magnesium, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B complexes, vitamin D, vitamin A.
Definitely do without – avoid:
Coffee with caffeine
Cereals containing gluten: wheat, spelt, rye, barley,
Vegetables: raw cabbage, broccoli or cauliflower. These vegetables have a goitrogenic effect and inhibit iodine uptake in the thyroid gland – but make sure there is not too much iodine,
Strong foods containing too much iodine etc. = salts with a very high iodine content
= algae and factory-farmed meat containing too much iodine
Strongly spiced, smoked, fried or very fatty foods.
Not recommended: white bread, toast, rusks, wheat and milk rolls
Nightshade vegetables such as tomatoes, potatoes, peppers and aubergines.
Dairy products
Biscuits, white flour products
Ready-made products, fast food
Earthly Beneficial Medicines:
Levothyroxine (L-thyroxine; possibly take for life)
Hashimoto’s encephalopathy Is not curable, but can be reduced.
Is an autoimmune disease of the thyroid system and the brain,
Immune cells also attack the brain, causing it to atrophy and shrink.
Appearance Symptoms:
Problems with perception, thinking and articulation.
States of confusion and psychosis, fatigue, etc.

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