Trans Fats

Rapeseed Oil:
Ptaah talking to Billy
So it is the trans fats that are the problem that rapeseed oil is not healthy and should be avoided as a food completely.
The health history and the fact that rapeseed oil is a source of a health elixir corresponds to well-conscious lies and a scourge of fraud on the part of food producers.
Rapeseed oil should not be used as an edible oil, as it should only be used as a raw material for fuels, for soap making, as a lubricant or for other purposes, but not as food.
The polyunsaturated component of the oil is extremely susceptible to pressure, heat and light, is unstable and oxidises very strongly precisely during the processing and refining of rapeseed oil.
However, this increases the number of free radicals in the human body when it is supplied with rapeseed oil, which leads to diseases and ailments, the causes of which are often not clarified and consequently cannot be treated and remedied, such as in physical-organic inflammatory processes, weight gain, heart and nerve diseases, etc.
Also various degenerative diseases and all sorts of indefinable ailments can appear by rapeseed oil processed and refined in the way mentioned.
This is better understood when it is known that rapeseed oil is de-rubbed, bleached, deodorized and typically extracted and refined at high temperatures with etchants, questionable chemicals, pressure and petroleum solvents such as hexane.
The whole procedure with high pressure, solvents and high temperatures causes a part of the omega-3 content of rapeseed oil to transform into harmful trans fats, which strongly inhibit hormone production, block the immune system and damage the adrenal glands.
In principle, however, it is not only rapeseed oil that is harmful to health as a result of processing, refining and trans fats, but also most other vegetable oils. [Unless they are cold pressed]
Animal Fats
Contrary to the nonsensical and confusing claims of stupid know-it-alls, animal fats do not produce anything bad, do not accumulate cholesterol and do not cause heart diseases, because saturated animal fats are extremely healthy and very important for the entire human organism. [If not contaminated by herbicides & insecticides]
If, therefore, the human body is not supplied with food in the form of animal fats, the immune system is damaged and, over time, diseases and suffering develop.
Then the healthy and thus the butter and the coconut oil are really demonized by the food and oil producers in order to be able to sell the unhealthy fats and oils with their harmful trans fats to the consumers.
The HDL cholesterol is good and protects the arteries from the damaging LDL cholesterol. This LDL cholesterol thus increasingly accumulates within the blood vessels and thus leads to hardening of the arteries, that is to say, arteriosclerosis. And if this is furthered early, then this thereby increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.
There are trans fats in nature, for example, in ruminants, and for example, in the fat from cattle, for which the trans-fatty acids are formed by bacteria in the rumen. Also, calves, sheep and goats, and so forth, are biochemically natural trans fatty acid producers, whereby these trans fatty acids are of an entirely different nature and are absolutely harmless to health.
Conjugated linoleic acids are found only in milk, dairy products and meat from ruminants. They have the characteristic of lowering cholesterol and preventing atherosclerosis, where they strengthen the immune system and also support the building of muscle tissue and the formation of bone
Milk Fat
A unique feature of animal products is the milk fat, because this has an unusually rich spectrum of very valuable fatty acids, for which reason its composition is quite ideal for the human being, whereby, however, its tolerance should be considered. [Pasteurisation & homogenisation are destructive. Herbicides & insecticides are contaminates]
For many human beings – children and adults – milk and dairy products are more or less harmful to health, but this cannot be generalised. The harmfulness only applies to human beings whose enzyme production, in relation to their ability to digest milk and dairy products, is more or less deficient or even completely absent.
Milk fat is a very special fat, because, in its composition, it is similar to neither vegetable oils nor animal fats. Overall, milk fat contains practically all saturated, unsaturated, short, medium, and long-chain fatty acids. In total, there are over 400 different types of fatty acid, occurring in a way that no other food exhibits. With this rich diversity of fatty acids, milk fat is ideally tailored to human requirements. Some fatty acids have an especially positive effect with regard to health. For example, the short-chain butyric acid, which is found almost exclusively in milk fat, has big anti-cancer effects, whereby in particular the risk of colon cancer and breast cancer is reduced. Milk fat also means no cholesterol danger. On the contrary, it lowers the risk of heart attack. The saturated fatty acids in milk have very diverse effects on the cholesterol level, whereby, however, seen as a whole, they have no elevating effect on the state of the level of cholesterol.

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